
A powerfull library for Universal Windows Platform (UWP)


To install LemonLib, run the following command in the Package Manager Console
Install-Package LemonLib


Helpers - Provides helpers for common UWP tasks
Storage - Provides classes for storage tasks
Devices - Provides classes for devices manipulation
Devices.Bluetooth - Provides classes to manipulate bluetooth devices
Util - Provides utility classes for UWP apps
Documents - Provides classes to manipulate documents
Extensions - Provides extensions other UWP classes and controls
Web - Classes to simplify web content manipulation


Helpers.ColorHelper - Set of methods to convert Color to Hex string and string to Color
Helpers.BackgroundTaskHelper - Provides methods to easily register and unregister background tasks
Obs.: To use this helper you need create a project for the background task and add it to package.appxmanifest
Helpers.UI - Provides methods manage the app UI such as TitleBar, TitleBarButtons, AccentColor, ...
Storage.Files - Provides a nice path based way to read and write files in local and roaming directory
Storage.OneDrive - Provides methods to login, upload, download, delete and many other actions in OneDrive
Obs.: This class needs that before you install Microsoft.OneDrive.SDK which can be obtained over NuGet
Devices.Bluetooth.Device - Represents a bluetooth device
Devices.Bluetooth.Serial.Client - Provives an easy and intuitive interface to comunicate with a rfcomm bluetooth server device
Devices.Bluetooth.Serial.Server - Provives an easy and intuitive interface to comunicate with a rfcomm bluetooth client device
Obs.: Add bluetooth and radios DeviceCapability to Capabilities in Package.appxmanifest
Util.Clipboard - Provives an easy way to set and get content from the clipboard
Documents.PDF - Provives an easy way open and show pdf files
Extensions.ColorExtension - Extension to convert Color to Hex string and string to Color
Extensions.RichEditBoxExtension - Extension to manipulate RichEditBox. With this extension you can add images, format, open and save RTF documents in RichEditBox.
Web.HttpContent - Represents a container for web contents, you can use it to store data for a post request, upload files, cookies and much more.
Web.HttpResponse - Represents the response from a server after some request. It contains the request code, the returned data, exceptions and cookies/headers.
Web.HttpRequester - This class provides an easy way to make http requests like post, get, put or delete. It provides the interface to add cookies and headers such as authorization, user-agent, content-type or any other header you need.
Web.RestFul - This class simplifies the manipulation of a RESTFul server, it easily allows you to make requests to an endpoint and passing any data you need. This class uses the class Web.HttpRequester as base.


The folder Examples contains a VS2015 project with samples for the LemonLib classes
Examples screenshots


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Obs.: To keep LemonLib consitent, please add your classes in a group inside the LemonLib namespace, like LemonLib.Storage or LemonLib.Devices. Adding subgroups is also a good practice.


LemonLib is licensed under the MIT license. (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)